Letter Supporting Offshore Wind to Governor McAuliffe

Letter from 55 conservation organization, businesses and individuals to Governor McAuliffe urging his continue support for offshore wind power and uring him to push for policies that advance offshore wind in Virginia.


Environment Virginia Research and Policy Center

Today we released a letter from 55 conservation organizations, businesses and individuals urging the Governor to take the steps that will enable Virginia to capture the immense wind energy resource off our shores.

Policy recommendations included in the letter were:

  • Set a near term target for offshore wind power generation. The State Energy plan calls for timely build out of the Wind Energy Area. We urge you to adopt a target of 1000 MW by the end of 2022 and another 1000 MW by the end of 2025. As Virginia develops its strategy to implement the EPA’s Clean Power Plan, offshore wind power offers a unique and scalable pollution-free power source for meeting carbon emission reduction targets.
  • Advance policies that ensure a competitive market for offshore wind power. Virginia must provide incentives to utilities and developers to make the upfront investment to capture this clean energy source. In addition, your federal legislative priorities should include reinstating a long term investment tax credit for OSW.
  • Support cost recovery for offshore wind investment. We ask that you take a leadership role in having the SCC and General Assembly confirm cost recovery for the 12 MW VOWTAP project, and pave the way for cost recovery for build-out of the full Wind Energy Area.
  • Work with BOEM to ensure an efficient, transparent, and environmentally responsible offshore wind development process that protects wildlife, particularly endangered marine mammals and sea turtles.
  • Invest in key research, initiatives, and infrastructure needed to spur offshore wind development. Support a budget that provides at least $1 million per year for offshore wind research and infrastructure development. Ensure the funding and support for at least one FTE at DMME devoted full time to OSW development.
  • Recruit an OSW OEM manufacturer to locate in Hampton Roads to serve VA and neighboring states. Market the state’s port facilities and capacity, and use the Port Readiness study in recruiting supply chain businesses to Virginia, and in developing a plan to fill any gaps that may be identified.